" Malam ni semua pack barang siap siap kayh. Esok kita dah nak pindah. Semua benda kena ready awal "
" What? Pindah? "
" Yup. Pindah Kedah lah "
" Oh , okay. Tapi Farah nak ready semuanya esok je lah. Ta de feel lah malam neh "
" Kenape? "
" Em malas lah. Tak nak pindah . hehe "
" Banyak lah. Hm up to youu kayh nak pack barang bile. Tapi esok kena ready terus "
" Okay Dokayy. I will dear "
At that time, my mind just thought , OH MYY . I really cant believe it . Ahhaa. This is the time that I'll never want to face it ! but the fact was facing me daring-ly guys. Yeahh I know , What A Sad Day rite?
20 November 2010 is the date. In my way to Kedah Darul Aman , I looked outside the window car. I was looking for the trees and clouds with some tears. My eyes already gave a freshieee waterfall with added some memories of my past in Meruu.
How the past will come again? How can I meet them and make a new memory with laughing, loving and sharing again? I only want it again and again. I really wish it to be a reality but how? Its too and too difficult to let it done. Yeah exactly sayang but I wish , It'll be happend and it'll be the day of the unforgetable day in my life cause nothing is impossible rite?
3 Amanah students , 2010
Dear my beloved Meru-ian , especially Mahirah Lovato , Syamimi Hilton , Adillah Swift , Azizah Spears and Amallina Jolie , please take our promises kayh. I really love you so f d m dear. So please dont let our friendship endd. Also for my classmates of 3 Amanah ; Natasha Aida , Ainaa Alyaa , Nurul Husna , Azlin Razali , Hafizah / Pijot , Farzana / Cepot , Faiz Aizamddin , Taufik Aziz , Ikmal Hisham , Nazril Afiq , Hazwan Kapandi , Afiq Akhimullah and the others , SMK Meru students who knows me , Myspac-er and Facebook-er , my followers , cousins and my lovely neighbours .
Insya-Allah , one day we'll meet again and remember , you're always stay in my mind <3
btw after this I'll never sad againn kayh.
New life is gonna give a new hopes. So we must get the new hopes with a tough heart , positive thinking, feel the happiness and let the tears away to get a better life :)
"Sesungguhnya setiap ape yg berlaku , ada hikmah disebaliknya"
Much loves ,
Farah Khalidah
huhu, ada nama aku ! apa yg aku boleh katakan for this post, ia sgt mengharuuukan :')