Friday, April 15, 2011


since I being an ASTECHIANS , everything becomes new.
new life , new friends , new experince , new 'bedroom' , new form and new bla bla. hehe but actually all of this has studied me to be more matured with new environment. 

We start with dorm-mates :)
Pada hari first, smua segan segan belaka. haha. aku apetah lagi. diri ni dah rasa mcm makhluk asing je. maklumlah , baru masuk negeri orang lah katakann :P hehe. tapi after kenal dgn semua roomates, baru lah tauu diri masing2 tu mcm mana. ada yg suka bangun awal , ada yg bangun lambat , ada yg takut gelap and mcm mcm lagi lah. haha. its too funny act. let me introduce one-to-one my beloved roomantes 

FIRSTLY- ketua dorm kita - 
"wee , she's the best kd laa " (:

SECOUND IS OUR Penolong Ketua Dorm ,
saya lah , sape lagi :P ta yah tunjuk pic noh :)

and followed with our members ;

Syazwani Ahmad (:

Nabilah Ramli (:

Syafikah (opie) di left one (:

Norlela Nooruddin (Ella) (:

Syahira Amran (Ira) (:

Madihah and Waida (:

Afiqah (Afie) (:

Azylinda (:

Heee for sure , semua nya comel comel bt ta dan lah nk tunjukkan semua ahli dorm sebab kami ada 27 orang tau dk ! so next time i'll show you our dorm picture kayhh (: 
just wait for it !
hehe XOXO


  1. 27? ramai nya. kustech sikit jehh :)

  2. Hehe tu lah pasal. kami dorm aspuri paling ramai tau taa :D hehe meriahh aih
