Thursday, September 30, 2010

My heart shout " Dup dapp ! "

Penilaian Menengah Rendah
5 Oktober - 12 Oktober 2010
wish me luck guys

Bahasa Melayu
Bahasa Arab
Pendidikan Agama Islam
Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu

Sunday, September 26, 2010


" Farah Khalidah, dengar sini. Kamu kena juga beritahu mereka. Kamu akan berdosa jika kamu diamkan. Kamu solat hajat dan minta pertolongan daripada Allah banyak banyak. Insya-Allah, bila kamu dah tenang dan dapat kekuatan, kamu beritahulah. Perkara ni memang bukan tentang diri kamu tapi kamu dah tau benda ni, kamu juga terlibat. Kamu bule dipersalahkan nnti. Farah, tenangkanlah diri tu. Berdoa banyak banyak kepada Allah. Ustazah faham dengan keadaan kamu sekarang " 
-Ustazah Ruzana

ucapan ni masih terngiang ngiang lagi kat telinga. after ustazah told this, I cried then she kiss both of my cheeks. yeah I really sad at that time. I really guarantee, those who get the same problem, will be dying too. Its about hidup dan mati , dosa dan pahala guys ! Look at me. Im just a human and still in form three. Im not strong enough to through all of this :( and for sure, never one knows bout this.
" tapi syukur ke hadrat-Mu Ya Allah kerana Engkau telah pertemukan aku dengan ustazah. Sesungguhnya Kaulah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang "

but if the day is coming , I'll tell it by myself and do, wht I suppose to do. Insya-Allah

Friday, September 24, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday 8.30 PM

Dear readers ,

Here i want to tell you that i will moving on to Kedah . This is not joke guys. I just tell you the truth. OHMYY I really cant believe it. totally.
Im sorry for everything done. I know, since im here, in Meru, I've done many stupid things. Im sorry

To my besties Mahirah , Mimi , Adie , Tuty , Syira , Niena please take a good care of yourself kayh. Please swear to me. Now you know rite, I will be far far away from you guys and its too difficult to meet you soon bt deep in my heart, you all still there. I will never forget all about our memories because I totally love youu , very very much.

To Muhammad Iman Sazari , sorry what I've done too. You are the person that I really hurt most in this year since we met before , rite? For sure , I always remember you. No matter what even now , we are dont hve any relationship . I still love you dear. Bout your gift , yeah. I promise. I'll take care of them all nicely -pooh && lovely button

To all boyfriends , Abdullah Tarmidzi , Amir Sholihin , Najmi , Zulhilmi , Ikmal , Faiz , Nazril , Faris Sharudin , Lukman Hakim , Izzat Miftah , Izaad Khalid , Sideq , Haqim , Thank you very much because you always make me smile , laugh , going insane when contacting youu guys especially you Ndann. I dont know why. Maybe you've been kena upah for make me always be insane like youu. hehe. Even sometimes I am too sombong with you all , maaf kayhh. Farah tetap sayang korang sangat sangat sangatt. No words can describe it and it will be always and always

For you girlfriends , Natasha Aida , Syarifah Farzana , Husna , Ainaa Alyaa , Faihaa Aqilah , Farah Izzati , Ika Atira . You guys are my tip topp lah (: Since you come to my life , my life totally complete. The things that I'll bring to Kedah soon is our memories. Walaupun kita ta pernah jumpe kan Faihaa kan? but I still love you lah syg. Btwayy hey all my babies , I promise , Your faces , Your smiles, Your names and Your beautifulity will always in my mind. Thanks for being my friends okay dear

Next , my special speeches is to anakku pula , Afif Shahzuan . My beloved son , at the end I got the trully result dear that I'll movingg to Kedah. Hope you will contacting me and will remember me forever kayhh. Besides, thanks for being my good child. haha. Im so sorry for all my fault even that tersurat or tersirat.
Mak sayang abang sangat sangat tauk ! ;) dont be naughty naughty yeah.

And for those who not I listed above , I wish youu good luck in your life. Sorry for wht I've done to all of youu. Im sorry. Please forgive me okay dear :)
 I love youu , 3 Amanah 

Thats all from me ,
Farah Khalidah binti Fazli

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Please. I begging you

Saya nak pindah kedah juga

sejak kebelakangan neh, aku dah banyak sakitkan hati orang lainlah dekat meru neh.
so please !

aku betul betul dah tak sanggup
im really sorry guys

Sunday, September 12, 2010

When bored is coming

Why i must to choose?

First man ;

"awak ade bf ta?"
"ta ade. knp?"
"lelaki yg mcm mane yg awak suke?"
"em baik, ta baran, ........."
"saye nak dengan awak bule?"
"hahas. mengarut lah"
"betul lah. saya serious neh"
"hahaha. apelah. kite pun mne kenal sgt kn?"
"alaa. ta pe lah. bule kan?"
"aduh. ta bule. lagipun, saye nak pindah kedah. jauhh sgt dari sini tau?"
"ta pe. saye sanggup. sye dari dulu dah tgk awk. saye pcayekn awk. betul sye sanggup. walaupun ta penah kenal ngn lbh, tp sye tau awak cmne"
setelah beberapa hari, 

"awak, saya sanggup tunggu awak"
"tak. saya ta sesuai untuk awak"
"tak. saye tunggu awak juga"
"awak, saye rase awak better mcm neh. lupakan je lah saye k"
"ta de tapi tapi. awk , kena juga lupakan niat awk tu. saye rase ta de mse nk bg ape ape jwpn"
"okaylah lau mcm tu. saye lupekan yee "
"nape awk sggup smpai cmni sekali?"
"saya sayangkan awak lah"
"tapi kita kan ta penah rapat langsung. eh saye ta pecaye langsungg lah"
"ye laaa. saye ta pena ta penah tipu awk. saya sayang awak laa. knp awk susah nk pecaye? saya sayang awkkk"

Second man ;

"aduhh. maaf ye. asyik wat salah je ta bis bis. aduhh"
"ta pe. ta kesah pun. dah biase yg teramat sangat"
"masalahnye. dah beribu ribu kali tau tak. tah tah, dah lebih == HAHA
"ta pe laa. saya syg awak sgt sgtt. sye ta kan marah awk langsunggg ! sungguh !"
"haha. ye laaa"
"kalau dpt ngn awak kn best. bahagia hdup sye lah"
"saya dah nk pindah lah awak"
"ta pe. asalkan, awak setia. ye sudahh"
"jangan lah jadi gila"
"saya ta penah tipuu"

a good guy is made for a good woman
so they are not for me. totally . 

at the end, i never made any decision.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Eid Al-Fitr guys

yeah alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Illahi. akhirnya Aidilfitri tiba juga (: so i wanna take this time to wish 


to all muslimin and muslimat who knows me. hope this hari raya will make you more happier && better than last time :)
ampun maaf dipinta  juga kepada,

  • family 
  • sahabat handai - mahe dila niena tuty aisyah dayah mimi syira ikmal faiz budak budak 3 Amanah iman da'a haris pacan abg lukman abdullah ejat izaad amir najmi zul ilas && yang lainn 
  • saudara mara
  • jiran tetangga
maaf sekiranya sebelum neh ada sakitkan hati, terkasar bahasa, terover bergurau, termungkir janji && semua kesalahan yg tersurat mahupun yang tersirat. maafkan juga kesalahan farah dari hujung rambuut hingga k hujung kaki. after this, insyaAllah, farah cuba berubah jadi yg lebih baik. btw jangan lupa datang rumah yee (:

**at Taman Dato Bandar Meru. dah sampai, calling calling sudah ! (:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh Im very tired lah

Sejak sejak kita mau raya neh kan, bnyk btul keje kemas kemas kn? kemas itu lah, kemas ini lah. huhu :) like today, kena cuci balang kuih raya yg still dalam kotak yg dah brhabuk habuk tuu :D ,  buang daun kering kt lua rumah *smpai mlecet tgn oh ==, isi kuihh raya, buat tahu sumbat :D dan sebagainye. huhh tu yg penat gila. sampaikan tadi after wat keje, rasa mau melayang lah. huu. penat penat bt macam tu lah kalau dah nk raya kan? hehe. hope esok sumenye bjalan ngn lancarlah :) kn kn? amin

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

can it be a reality?

Semalam time buka puase, tibe tibe ibu tanye kt farah
" haa kalau ta jadi pindah kedah macam mane? "
abah pula kate
" kalau ta jadi pindah, kita duduk je lah kat sini kan? " sambil tersengih sengih. haha

so adakah ia benar? kita tunggu keputusannya nanti ye 

good nite all (:

Teropongg :D

Yayy esok tengok anak bulan :)
pejam celik pejam celik dah nak raya kan? wahh cepatnya !
so doa doa lah esok nampak ye. boleh korang ziarah rumah parents in law cepat cepat :D ehehe

You're my sunshine

I'll never stop loving you, dears.
i swear with all my heart.
even i know, im not good enough to be yours.

  • Nur Mahirah binti Idris
  • Nur Adillah binti Khairuddin
  • Nur Azizah binti Amirudin
  • Siti Nursyamimi binti Mohd Hassim
  • Nurul Basyirah binti Ayub
  • Amallina Aiman binti Norizan


Sunday, September 5, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my beloved ghost :p

 *she's the left one (:

Allah selamatkan kamuu,
Allah selamatkan kamu,
Allah selamatkan Nur Syafiqah binti Azmi,
Allah Selamatkan kamuu :)

Happy Birthday to youu,
Happy Birthday to youu,
Happy Birthday to my Ghostt,
Happy Birthday to youuu <3

hehe. semuga pnjang umur && murah rezeki okay.

Im sick

Saya mengalami batuk, selesema dan sakit tekakk bt i didn't eat any medicine cause i hate it. hee sorry pooh ♥ i did it againn and againn. hm puncanye sebab dulu lah (:

akhir tahun 2008, aku diserang penyakit TiBi (Mycrobacterium Tuberculosis) or lebih dikenali dgn batuk kering yg mula mulanye aku just demam panas je. ceritanye mcm mane? meh sini aku cite ye.

time tu raye ke 3 rasenye. satu family raye kat phg bt aku dah demam duluu dah. pastu melarat smpai 7 hari, gi check doktor. then doktor kate aku suspect TiBi sbb tnda tnda nye lebih kurang ngn arwah abg dulu. yeah for sure, dea dulu penah kena juga, tapi Allah lebih sygkn dea kan? 

after that i went to many hospital to confirm it. yeah at the end, i was confirmed (': so tipulah kalau aku ta terkejut kan? hm mmg sangat sangat terkejut cause im afraid if i gonna follow my late brother, Firdaus bin Fazli. 
for sure, penyakit neh mmg bule bawa maut kalau ta rawat dgn betul. so syaratnye, kenalah makan ubat. tau bape banyak? huu 12 biji derr. memg tersiksa jiwa dan raga. HAHA. For the first period, aku kena makan setiap hari. then after 4 5 month, i eat them thrice for a week. fuhh mmg lega lah kan? :D bt sekarang lagi lega sbb dah ta payah mkn ubt dah && dah smkin pulih nmpknye . alhamdulillah

so disebabkan kesengsaraan itu, aku dah tak nk makan ubt dah lpas neh sbb dah 'puas' lah sygg == kalau rase mcm chocolate cadbury k ice cream k ta pe juga . huhuu

p/s jangan contohi aku. ty :D

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lemas dalam tekanan

  • Homework
      Teachers gave us a lots of hw for this school holiday. teacher kate, "Raya raya juga, hw jangan lupa. ingat, awk semua neh dah nk pmr " huuu. *but teacher, kalau saye nk lupa juga bule? huu == nahh. i will do it for PMR , teacher. 

so here they are ; mathematic ,  literature , karangan , geography , andd sejarah ==

  • Friendship problem
             Dipendekkan cerita, begini kisahnye. seorang perempuan iaitu watak penyibuk *sape lagi kan?menjaga tepi kain mereka, watak utamahmm kn kawan? == so dia kena lah selesaikan konflik tersebut tp mmg amek mase yangg lame sbb cite dah jd lain dah. *bersimpang siuurr (': papepun, aku minta maaf sangat sangat. later, aku nk jumpe korang juga sbb aku ta suke lh , hubungan baik kita, berantakkan. yelah. we're best best friends rite? so gilalah kalau kau kate aku tak tertekan ! huhh aku kena selesaikan sorang sorang pula tu. damn

    Friday, September 3, 2010

    Friends is non replaceable

    Can bestfriends falling in love with each other? haha. such a weird things right?
    but perkara neh ta mustahil berlaku, and ramai juga yg 'terjebak' oh . betul tak tipuu ! haha.

    bt act its hve a lil bit different on my story. it is like a girl really heart her bestfriend so much. ngee. bt if im not wrong, the boy, Hafiz just wanna take her as a bestfriend and not more. so because of that, the girl really frustrated. huu ye lah. mane tak nye kan. kalau aku pun kecewa lah tapi aku pun tak lah tau sangat cerita nye mcm mane. bt yg pasti, now, their friendship is not okay like before. because of what? yeah because of that lah :)

    so the conclusion is please beware with your heart. kalau tak, korang tanggunglah risikonya sendiri. kalau tercalar terluka hati, jangan jadikan orang lain mangsa keadaan sedangkan, kita sendiri adalah punca nye. yeh if ta pecaye, buat lah. aku dah kena lah. haha. rasenye memg sedapp. cubalah !

    Thursday, September 2, 2010

    I've nothing with him. fullstop

    past is past .


    Muhammad Izaad Khalid

    Huhh sekarang neh macam dah jadi kerja aku pula untuk wish wish birthday :) HAHA . ye lah. ape kan daye, ramai pula yg lahir dlm bulan August-September. so for this time, I wanna wish birthday to him, 

    yeah today is his birthday bt sorry lah farah wish lambat and and maybe juga tiada present. HEHE
    bt dont worry, i'll never forget your birthday lahh. InsyaAllah (:

    So semoga panjang umur , murah lagi rezeki , jadi insan yang lebih baik && dapat capai ape yg belum smpat lagi ijat capai . Amin (: 

    SUCH A 'Naah' day ==

    yeah, today nmpak dia lagi. semalam pun ade juga dan semalam semalam pun ada and for sure, lokasinye juga same. huu == tapi dah lah. like i said to him, i wanna stop contacting him so buat care tak contac lah kan? bt lau nak baik juga, buat care nak baiklah. aku tak lah kejam sangat. bt tengok jugalah, kalau 'farah khalidah' bule terima dia lagi.

    okay yg esok pula ape cite? sekolah k ta? HAHA. ta de. today tbe tbe ramai pula wish happy holiday :D haha. telebihh excited lah korangg neh. mentang mentang dah nak raye. nak kumpul duit k? haha. spm pmr pun ta lepas lagi weyy. nga lmbai lambai je kite dari jauh. hehe btw thanks okay cause wish (: 
    *HAPPY HOLIDAY too guys

    ciou ciou.

    Wednesday, September 1, 2010

    Kedah Darul Aman , gonna be my heaven soon

    On 5 August 21:01 , my family and i went to one of the restaurant at setia alam to have a dinner. then after a while, abah made some 'pengisytiharan' that this family would moving to kedah. this is because abah just got a new rank on his job (': yeah after that, i couldn't stop crying and crying. ahha.

    yeahh, absolutely im depressed. bt what can i do rite? this is His will. huh so Kedahh, see you around November kayhh. i hope i will okay and be a nice 'orang kedah jawa and pahangg' HAHA

    for more, maybe i'll stay at Guar Chempedak and schooling at SMK Guar Chempedak as a form 4 new student (:

    A weirdo patient (:

    Hey Pesakit ku (:
    i just wanna say, eat that special medicine everyday okay? jangan lupa !
    remember, awk tu sakit. so jangan degil makan ubat ye :)

    i hope you'll remember me even i'll no longer in Meruu <3

    take care birthday boy ,
    your doctor.